
Showing posts from June, 2016

Three Types of Campaign

Thinking about how to get a new campaign going, I found myself putting each idea into one of three categories. Plot Lite The GM can rotate, and each player brings a character for each session that can be completely new, or one they used before if they like. There is no overall plot that is planned in advance, but the story arises out of what events are brought up by the GMs, and from the reactions of the characters. Player characters can frequently be killed, and new ones take over. The exact balance of characters in a given session may drive the story in unexpected directions. Plot Heavy The GM writes their story and allows the players to play through it. The GM should give hints about what the story will be like, and what kind of characters, and what kind of group of characters, would be appropriate. Player characters may die, and new players may join, but any new characters will need to fit into the story rather than being made in a vacuum and then having the story accommodate

Planar Adventure Sites

I want to have a list of areas ready to go, that can be accessed by random magical portals. I'll put the first two here and hopefully add to it over time. I'll then be able to use it for planned adventures, or for randomly determined ones. Example 1: The portal opens into a cramped shop with many tiny creatures in cages. The shopkeeper is a clockwork automaton, who offers to buy any small PCs to add to his stock. Example 2: The portal emerges into a bandit camp. The leader has just finished a speech rousing the bandits to ride off and attack a caravan. The PCs find themselves standing among the tents and galloping horses.