
Showing posts from 2022

The Golden Sea One Shots

 I have used the Golden Sea (by Grant Howitt) about six times now. I had downloaded it at some point and thought it was cool, but one year at Dragonmeet I saw an A2 sized high quality map which included all the rules (it's a one page RPG!) and I grabbed it. Even then it was a while before I actually ran it. My usual group had gone on hiatus during lockdown and I wasn't feeling up to playing online either. When people started talking about meeting in person to play again I started to look at the Golden Sea again, and it was the first RPG I ran after a break of about a year. So, as a one page RPG it doesn't require much reading, but as some have commmented it leaves a lot for the GM to do. The first time I ran it was with just two players, and there was a lot of enthusiasm after the previous year. I don't think any of us had played in that time. I had made a few plans beforehand, mostly about how to present the setting and the way trade and society worked. The game uses a

My GV (Gaming Vitae) 2022

Previous post:   My GV (Gaming Vitae) 2019 Maelstrom Dungeons & Dragons Dragon Warriors Rolemaster Vampire: The Masquerade Call of Cthulhu Deadlands D20 Advanced Fighting Fantasy Pathfinder The Dresden Files Microscope The Black Hack Lords of Gossamer and Shadow The Gaean Reach Spellbound Kingdoms Spark The Sprawl Urban Shadows Hack the Planet Manifold Whitehack The Golden Sea ICRPG