The Golden Sea One Shots

I have used the Golden Sea (by Grant Howitt) about six times now. I had downloaded it at some point and thought it was cool, but one year at Dragonmeet I saw an A2 sized high quality map which included all the rules (it's a one page RPG!) and I grabbed it. Even then it was a while before I actually ran it. My usual group had gone on hiatus during lockdown and I wasn't feeling up to playing online either. When people started talking about meeting in person to play again I started to look at the Golden Sea again, and it was the first RPG I ran after a break of about a year. So, as a one page RPG it doesn't require much reading, but as some have commmented it leaves a lot for the GM to do. The first time I ran it was with just two players, and there was a lot of enthusiasm after the previous year. I don't think any of us had played in that time. I had made a few plans beforehand, mostly about how to present the setting and the way trade and society worked. The game uses a...