
Showing posts from 2023

London 2049 Campaign - The Sprawl

 Last night I wrapped up my cyberpunk campaign using the Sprawl after six sessions. Because of scheduling those six sessions took place over the course of six months, and I had told the players at the start that it would be a mini-campaign. We had a session zero where the three players made up their characters and relationships as per the rulebook and then we got to it. Campaign Image by Midjourney We had a hunter, a tech and a driver. Since we live in London I suggested we use it as the setting, and I went on to suggest that in the future London has become a haven for those doing business off the financial grid. My vision of the city was that it is mostly empty, with little to no industry. There would be buildings that catered to visiting corps and crime syndicates who wished to meet and make deals, without the worry of surveilance and financial records. While I imagined the rest of the world's major cities would contain the more expected cyberpunk tropes like massive arcologies,