
Showing posts from 2018

Prentice Wand

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) This carved wooden wand has 1-3 charges when found. As an action the bearer can expend spell slots with total level 3 or more to return one charge to the wand. The bearer may also, as an action, expend one charge to regain one first level spell slot. The wand may hold a maximum of 3 charges.


Weapon (longsword), uncommon You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It glows faintly when undead creatures are within 120' of it.

Living Shield

Armor (shield), uncommon (requires attunement) This shield appears to made from wood and leather. Upon attunement it merges with the arm of the bearer, and can move of its own will. The bearer can benefit from the armor bonus of the shield even when using a two-handed weapon.

Holy Thunderforce

Warhammer, uncommon (requires attunement by a cleric of the tempest domain) This warhammer is a magic weapon made of shining steel. Whenever you roll minimum damage with it, it gains a charge. It can only have one charge at a time. When you hit a creature with this weapon you may expend a charge to smite the target. Your attack deals an additional 2d6 thunder damage, and the target is knocked prone.

Still Staff

Weapon (quarterstaff), uncommon This is, to all forms of examination, a plain hickory staff. The bearer can hold the staff upright while resting it on the ground and make a mental command (an action), and the staff becomes immobile and unbreakable. The bearer can touch the staff and mentally will it to become movable again (an action).

My GV (Gaming Vitae) 2018

Previous post: My GV Maelstrom Dungeons & Dragons Dragon Warriors Rolemaster Vampire: The Masquerade Call of Cthulhu Deadlands D20 Advanced Fighting Fantasy Pathfinder The Dresden Files Microscope The Black Hack Lords of Gossamer and Shadow The Gaean Reach Spellbound Kingdoms Spark The Sprawl

Multiplanar RPG Mashup

And yet another RPG mashup rears its head! I just picked up Sig: Manual of the Primes in hardcover, and I'm feeling like I can combine it with Lords of Gossamer and Shadow for an awesome campaign across the many planes of existence. I ran a brief text-based LoGaS campaign and I was really happy with how the game dealt with different realities and genres. Each player created their own character and the world that they came from, and then they all met up via the Grand Stair. I haven't delved very deeply into Sig yet, but I feel like I'll need to make the City of Sig be the literal center of all the planes of reality that the Grand Stair opens onto. I might need to do some work to figure out how each game's version of reality interacts with the other's, but that's the fun of the mashup process!


I've been using Ebonclad in my online campaign for a few months now, it's quite cool, and it's deal of the day on DrivethruRPG today. Check it out here .

The Eleventh Eye

Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) This brass ring requires the bearer to look through it at a scene for one minute to become attuned to it. Thereafter, looking through the ring shows the bearer a view of that scene as it currently looks.


This looks awesome! A game of constructable battling potatoes!

Spire Cryptomancer Mashup

The latest of my mashup concept RPG campaigns is a combination of Spire and Cryptomancer . I've had Cryptomancer for a while but haven't had a chance to delve very deeply into it, let alone run it. I missed the Spire Kickstarter campaign, but I did order prints of the two maps that were available as add-ons. I liked the premise of Spire as a setting, and I loved the previews of the maps, but I wasn't sure I wanted to add yet another system to my list of 'let's play this' RPGs. Meanwhile I was still trying to get around to reading through Cryptomancer so I could get that to the table. Now I'm feeling I can just mash them together and kill two birds with one stone. Ideas Spire is a location within the Cryptomancer setting Use of shards isn't very common within the Spire (and the Underspire) but they are used to communicate with the rest of the world The campaign is about freedom fighters up against oppressive overlords The Risk Eaters don'