Highlander RPG
A friend of mine mentioned using flashbacks in a role playing game and it got me thinking about a Highlander RPG again. I never got around to playing or running one, and I think it was always because I couldn’t figure out why a group of immortals would work together. This shows how I was assuming the structure of the game would follow the standard D&D party style. Now I’ve experienced a few more games and ideas, maybe I can actually wrap my head around it and get it to work. Rather than try to fit the concept to a gaming group, I tried to imagine myself playing a game where my character was an immortal. Ars Magica has the Troupe System, where a player’s role changes depending on the session. In the Dresden Files RPG , one player might play a wizard, but the others could be vampires, werewolves, faery folk, or regular humans. It’s not necessary for each player to play a wizard, so why an immortal? Down Through the Centuries So if I’m playing an immortal that lives a long t...