Mask of Troyes

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

This mask is made of a dark ceramic, and is mostly smooth like an eggshell. It grants you +1 to armor class, when you are wearing light armor, medium armor, or no armor. You have advantage on charisma (intimidation) checks, but disadvantage on charisma (persuasion) checks.
Once per day, as an action you can cause the mask to become the face of a previous wearer of the mask. As a bonus action you can cause the mask to return to its normal appearance.

Curse: This mask is cursed. The curse is only revealed when an attuned wearer removes it. On removal the mask takes their face, which now appears carved into the mask, leaving the owner with a smooth featureless face, without eyes, nose, ears, or mouth. The owner can no longer see, speak, smell, eat, or drink. Putting the mask back on restores the wearer’s facial features and all associated abilities.


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