
Showing posts from May, 2017

E-Town E-Now 3

A flash riot occurred today at the monthly cosplay gathering at the Copenmalm Main Square. As the prizes were being awarded disgruntled non-winzers, dressed as KravOS personnel, stormed the stage and attempted to mock arrest three prizewinners, who were dressed as McWales Cyberrugby players. The ensuing scuffle caused the collapse of the stage and eight injuries, as well as untold damage to various costumes. The situation escalated when actual KravOS personnel who were providing security to Coschamp Nielsson were drawn into the riot. A KravOS spokesbot was characteristically blunt when it stated later that their personnel had done their job and no more. The Northern regional final of Starcraft 4 took place at the EcasinO Golden Pyramid late last night. Despite problems with the elevators the capacity crowd cheered local favorite EzergzeR to victory in a tight match against her long time rival Und1ne. Blizzard announced that next year’s regional finals will be held in the same venue,

E-Town E-Now 2

​EcasinO reported record profits for the month, citing the Cyberrugby WL final match and the Andersson-Perez-Taggart MMA fight as major draws to the Golden Pyramid. A spokesbot revealed that the annual conference of McNations will be held at EcasinO next month, as well as the Northern regional final of Starcraft 4. While major events contribute heavily to footfall, the spokesbot repeated last month's claim that daily rake far outstrips the money made from such events. The bot also revealed that the casino was switching its elevator services from Otis-ESA to S-Kalyay, citing failure to meet response time agreements as the reason. A spokesbot for Otis-ESA spewed the following: The meeting of response targets is paramount to our business, we wish EcasinO well and are confident that we will work with them again in the future. ​ Lavanchy-Grovaloi Media GmbH announced they had acquired a nine hundred and ninety nine year lease on the KFSA tower, vacant for seven years. Michelle Grova

E-Town E-Now 1

(This is the first new report for the game of the Sprawl that I'm running) Nokea announced today that they were shutting down their internal security wing and contracting all their duties to KravOS. The changeover was effective immediately from the announcement on Noweb. A spokesbot for Nokea said that the partnership would allow Nokea to concentrate on their core businesses of research and design, while taking advantage of the expertise and efficiency of KravOS. When asked by @fenr1s what prompted the changeover, the spokebot spewed the following: All outstanding debts will now be collected by KravOS. KravOS is a security firm that formed during the Lever-Heinz War, with personnel from former military and state-sec organisations. They have partnerships with Armani Beretta, LG, and the Vatican Bank. The partnership with Nokea is expected to bolster their communications and cybertech, while providing the latest smart weapons to their personnel. The partnership was denounced a

Lulu Purchases

Here's a list of the RPG books I've purchased on . Petty Gods: Revised & Expanded Edition (Premium Softcover) KEFITZAT HADERECH - Incunabulum of the Uncanny Gates and Portals The Night Wolf Inn Whitehack – Second Edition Booklet Stonehell Dungeon: Down Night-Haunted Halls Stonehell Dungeon: Into the Heart of Hell Augmented Reality Obscene Serpent Religion The Nightmares Underneath (Paperback) RPGS - Your Fantasy Toolkit Supersetting v1.6 (Softcover) Mythic Russia (paperback) Yoon-Suin Fire On The Velvet Horizon As for things I may get in the future... Deep Carbon Observatory Perdition Hubris: A World of Visceral Adventure Microscope Hollowpoint

Make It Simple, Make It Big

I was just thinking over the idea that my characters tend to be simple and cliche, when I read this post on Reddit . It seems to sum up what I was going to write so I'll keep it brief... Sometimes players have very subtle ideas about their characters, but that subtlety doesn't come across at the table, and the other players are unaware that the character has the characteristics that their player thinks they have. A good test would be to ask the other players, after a few sessions of playing together, "What is my character like?" The descriptions you get will be a good measure of how your character might be perceived in the world, rather than how you imagine them. It ties in with your ability to act; if you envision your character as a tough talking hard man, but the other players describe your character as friendly and courteous, maybe you need to simplify your characters until you can pull off the kind of acting you aspire to. Some games have mechanics for things l