E-Town E-Now 2

​EcasinO reported record profits for the month, citing the Cyberrugby WL final match and the Andersson-Perez-Taggart MMA fight as major draws to the Golden Pyramid. A spokesbot revealed that the annual conference of McNations will be held at EcasinO next month, as well as the Northern regional final of Starcraft 4. While major events contribute heavily to footfall, the spokesbot repeated last month's claim that daily rake far outstrips the money made from such events. The bot also revealed that the casino was switching its elevator services from Otis-ESA to S-Kalyay, citing failure to meet response time agreements as the reason. A spokesbot for Otis-ESA spewed the following: The meeting of response targets is paramount to our business, we wish EcasinO well and are confident that we will work with them again in the future.
Lavanchy-Grovaloi Media GmbH announced they had acquired a nine hundred and ninety nine year lease on the KFSA tower, vacant for seven years. Michelle Grovaloi, spokesperson for the media conglomerate, said that the time was right for Lavanchy-Grovaloi to enter the lucrative E-Town market. When asked by @gata what made now the right time, Grovaloi responded: Our ability to bring the best entertainment to E-Town is now assured, and this market is too important for us to ignore. Be ready to be entertained!

Session 1 report.


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