
Showing posts from March, 2016

The Black Hack Released

This looks like my new go to set of rules for 'let's try D&D' sessions. Check it out here .

Critical Hits and Fumbles

For those (like my DM!) who like a bit more than you miss on a one, roll double dice on a twenty. If a result seems nonsensical for the weapon or target, just roll again. Fumbles When you roll a one on the 1d20 for an attack, roll a 1d6 and consult the following table. You miss and deal no damage. The next attack against you is at advantage. You miss and deal no damage. Your weapon flies 15’ away from you. You hit and deal minimum damage. Your weapon is pinned, and cannot be used until freed. Make an opposed athletics check in place of an attack to free it. You miss and deal no damage. Your next attack is at disadvantage. You hit and deal minimum damage. You take an equal amount of damage. You miss and deal no damage. Critical hits When you roll a twenty on the 1d20 for an attack, roll a 1d6 and consult the following table. You hit and roll all damage dice twice. You hit and deal maximum damage. You have advantage on your next attack this turn.

Warlord Archetype

Warlords are battlefield leaders, combining combat prowess with inspirational shouts that spur their allies to victory. Those who follow this archetype learn that standing alone on the battlefield is a poor choice compared to standing among allies. Inspiring Surge Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, whenever you use your action surge to make an attack action, any ally within 10’ of you may use their reaction to make a weapon attack. War Leader Starting at 7th level, you gain a retinue of followers that accompany you on your adventures. This group will follow you into combat, and attack at your direction (no action required). It has armour class 16, a number of hit dice (1d10) equal to half your level, and can make one attack per round per hit die, or half that number if below half its hit points. It has an attack bonus equal to your proficiency bonus, and deals 1d8 damage per melee attack. When making ranged attacks, it uses a range of 30’/90’ and deals


You were a member of a nomadic tribe. You grew up in the saddle, or in a wagon, and could probably handle both before you could walk. You come from a tight knit society, but interacted with a wide variety of other tribes and settled people over the years. Skill Proficiencies: Animal handling, Nature Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land), one set of artisan’s tools Equipment: A set of traveller’s clothes, a coin from a far off land, a scroll case with maps from your travels, a set of artisan’s tools (one of your choice), a pouch with 5 gp Feature: Far Traveler No matter where you go you find succor among others who wander. You may ask for hospitality among other travelers, and you are expected to give it when you are able. These meetings may take place on the roadside, in a tent, or at a tavern. All parties will share tales, food, drink, and news from both near and far. Suggested Characteristics Nomads grow up in tight family groups, and many seek the same sort of c

Master of Disguise

You have spent time looking like someone else, and trying not to look like yourself, gaining the following benefits. When you use a disguise kit to alter your appearance, you may treat a roll of less than 10 on the 1d20 as a roll of 10. You have advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks to impersonate someone you have observed for one hour, or interacted with for ten minutes.


You are often overlooked, gaining the following benefits. Other characters have -5 to their passive perception and investigation scores to notice you. You can hide when lightly obscured or have a medium size or larger creature adjacent to you.

Adamantine Gauntlet

Weapon, rare, (requires attunement) This metal gauntlet is made from adamantine, one of the hardest materials known. You can use your reaction to gain +2 AC against one weapon attack. You can use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the gauntlet. It is a +1 weapon, and deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit. The hand that wears the fist cannot be used for somatic components unless the wearer has medium armour proficiency.


You have learned the basics of fire magic, gaining the following benefits: You learn the Fire Bolt cantrip You learn Burning Hands, and you can cast it once between long rests You have advantage on saving throws against spells that deal fire damage

Explorer’s Bracelet

Wondrous Item, rare, (requires attunement) This silver wrist chain has several charms attached to it. It can be used as an arcane focus by a sorcerer. As a bonus action the wearer can touch one of the charms to create one of the following effects. Steed: A riding horse appears standing next to the wearer of the bracelet. It has gear appropriate to the task at hand, and the terrain and climate in the area. The horse serves the bracelet wearer to the best of its ability, and remains until slain or dismissed by them as a bonus action. The horse can not be summoned again until the following dawn. Suit: The wearer’s clothes change to match their intended task, which could include cold weather gear, protective armor (light armor only), fine formal garments, or nondescript street clothes. The clothes are non magical in every way, and remain indefinitely. This ability cannot be used again until the following dawn. Steel: A one handed melee weapon appears in the wearer’s hand. The