
You were a member of a nomadic tribe. You grew up in the saddle, or in a wagon, and could probably handle both before you could walk. You come from a tight knit society, but interacted with a wide variety of other tribes and settled people over the years.

Skill Proficiencies: Animal handling, Nature
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land), one set of artisan’s tools
Equipment: A set of traveller’s clothes, a coin from a far off land, a scroll case with maps from your travels, a set of artisan’s tools (one of your choice), a pouch with 5 gp

Feature: Far Traveler

No matter where you go you find succor among others who wander. You may ask for hospitality among other travelers, and you are expected to give it when you are able. These meetings may take place on the roadside, in a tent, or at a tavern. All parties will share tales, food, drink, and news from both near and far.

Suggested Characteristics

Nomads grow up in tight family groups, and many seek the same sort of companionship even apart from their own tribe. Others enjoy the anonymity of towns and cities, and become comfortable on their own. They all feel the constant pull to move on, and as the seasons turn they often seek to travel again.

Personality Trait
I belong on the road, not on a tavern bench!

I will spread the good name of my family wherever I wander.

My family, my tribe, my people. They are all.

Settled folk are soft, they cannot endure the heat of the desert, the cold of the mountains, and the dangers between.


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