Warlord Archetype

Warlords are battlefield leaders, combining combat prowess with inspirational shouts that spur their allies to victory. Those who follow this archetype learn that standing alone on the battlefield is a poor choice compared to standing among allies.

Inspiring Surge
Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, whenever you use your action surge to make an attack action, any ally within 10’ of you may use their reaction to make a weapon attack.

War Leader
Starting at 7th level, you gain a retinue of followers that accompany you on your adventures. This group will follow you into combat, and attack at your direction (no action required). It has armour class 16, a number of hit dice (1d10) equal to half your level, and can make one attack per round per hit die, or half that number if below half its hit points. It has an attack bonus equal to your proficiency bonus, and deals 1d8 damage per melee attack. When making ranged attacks, it uses a range of 30’/90’ and deals 1d6 damage per attack.

Inspiring Strike
At 10th level, whenever you take the attack action, you grant all allies within 10’ advantage on their next weapon attack roll. This lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

Superior Inspiration
Starting at 15th level, the range of your inspiring surge increases to 30’.

Supreme Leader
At 18th level, whenever you drop an enemy to 0 hit points with a weapon attack, you may have an ally within 30’ gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt.


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