Explorer’s Bracelet

Wondrous Item, rare, (requires attunement)

This silver wrist chain has several charms attached to it. It can be used as an arcane focus by a sorcerer.

As a bonus action the wearer can touch one of the charms to create one of the following effects.

Steed: A riding horse appears standing next to the wearer of the bracelet. It has gear appropriate to the task at hand, and the terrain and climate in the area. The horse serves the bracelet wearer to the best of its ability, and remains until slain or dismissed by them as a bonus action. The horse can not be summoned again until the following dawn.

Suit: The wearer’s clothes change to match their intended task, which could include cold weather gear, protective armor (light armor only), fine formal garments, or nondescript street clothes. The clothes are non magical in every way, and remain indefinitely. This ability cannot be used again until the following dawn.

Steel: A one handed melee weapon appears in the wearer’s hand. The weapon is normal in every way, and lasts until the following dawn. After that this ability can be used again.


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