Knowing when it’s your turn to speak. It’s a skill we all learned, but when? And did we all learn it the same way? I’ve been watching some actual play videos, and thinking about my own roll20 campaign, and face to face games, and I realise that everyone has their own rules for conversation. In some cases it all works out, but in others, we have people interrupting each other, talking for longer than necessary, or not speaking at all. The lack of visual cues in my online (voice only) game probably makes this worse. A rules system for speaking This reminds me of a time when I ran a session of Dungeons & Dragons, 3rd edition. There were eight players on that fateful Saturday morning, and they all wanted to do stuff. So I had them roll initiative, not for the characters to do stuff, but for the players to be allowed to speak! I got through that session, and never ran such a big one again. But last weekend I was a player in a session of D&D 5th edition, with eight players...