Second Session with the Black Hack

This time I had two players and the game was a lot better for it. After some negotiations at a tavern the newcomer, an elf named Yolktina, agreed to accompany Brahman the dwarf on an adventure. He led her back to the dungeon he had visited the previous day, and they found more goblins there. Not trying to communicate this time, they slaughtered the goblins with bow and hammer, then searched the ruins. Finding a secret door, Yolktina let Brahman enter first and they discovered a room with a very well constructed pool in the center. After a short swim, they set off a trap in the base of a broken statue, allowing some ghouls to spring out and attack them. After a  fighting withdrawal Yolktina was knocked out and Brahman had to finish off the last two ghouls single handed. After she recovered, they rested and counted their spoils, a few gold coins from the pouches of the goblins.

Again I felt the rules were great, staying out of the way and easily applied to any situation that came up. The only issue was when one character was knocked out, again the single player who was active was rolling all the dice.

They want to play an ongoing campaign, for now I’ll run one more session and then see about creating a more detailed world for them to explore.


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