Third Session with the Black Hack

Another new player failed to show up, so we pressed on with two characters. I might introduce an NPC adventurer if this happens again, partly to give me some dice rolling to do!

The pair went back to the dungeon, this time at high noon. The thief went first and checked for traps, and sure enough there was a trip rope at the bottom of the steps. Yolktina sawed through the rope, but then came under fire from four arrows. She moved into the middle of the room and saw four goblins with bows hiding in the tunnel to the next room. She dropped her torch and shot one with her bow, then Brahman came running in, torch in one hand, hammer raised in the other. He picked his way across the bundles that were all over the room and quickly dispatched the three remaining goblins. Yolktina however, had noticed by the light of his torch that the bundles were actually sleeping goblins, about forty of them. Quietly moving over to the dwarf, she passed on this information. After a short discussion they decided to quietly kill them one by one as they slept. The elf shot one with her bow, but when Brahman hit one with his hammer it woke up and started screaming. As the other goblins all started to get up and make more noise, the pair of adventurers retreated to the tunnel, hoping to hold them off at a narrow point. Brahman then pulled Yolkitina forward towards the furthest corner of the room, standing next to the opening there and waiting for the goblins to enter. The first four were shot and hammered to death in short order, but more followed. Then something from within the tunnel in the corner attacked Yolktina. Brahman chose that moment to charge around the pool in the room to take the goblins on in close combat, taking the only torch with him. Yolktina was attacked by an unseen enemy, but fired her bow towards it anyway. She was clawed and stabbed several times before Brahman returned, having finished off the remaining goblins in the room and scared those in the tunnel enough to prevent them joining the fight. He closed with the new threat, hitting it with his hammer, and finding it was like hitting solid rock. Yolktina shot but didn’t seem ti think it was very effective. Brahman backed off to the broken statue they had found last time, and started throwing lumps of rock at the monster. The rocks seemed to stick to it and were absorbed into its shape, and it came on. Yolktina jumped off the statue, landing behind it and finished it off with a single shot from her bow and it toppled into the pool and sank to the bottom. They were both wounded at this point, so they decided to try to rest, keeping a watch on all three entrances to the room.

This was another good session I thought, there was more interplay between the two players, some interesting tactics considering how simple the whole setup was, and some opportunities for me to describe things and come up with ideas on the fly. For example, having thrown rocks adhere to the gargoyle, and heal it instead of hurting it. I still don’t know if we’ll make this into a campaign proper, and hopefully the next player who joins the group will actually show up for the game, but as long as it’s fun I’ll keep it going.


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