First Session with The Black Hack

Last night I ran a session on using The Black Hack, a new set of rules for old school D&D (OSR). I had only posted an ad the day before, so of the two players who joined the game, only one showed up. We went through the process of making a character, getting equipment, going into a dungeon, fighting some monsters, and leveling up.

The rules were so simple they were barely there, although the player (D) did keep thinking that rolling a low number was a bad thing! Another issue I had while running the game was that the player was rolling all the dice. This was only an issue because there were no other players to take turns though, with even two players this issue wouldn’t come up.

It was pretty easy for me to run combat, and that left more time for description and decision making. I had expected to find this was a rule set for introductory sessions only, but now I think it really does have the potential to work in a longer campaign. Assuming I get a couple more players to test it out, I can see myself running Dwimmermount (finally!) using the Black Hack.


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